Plastic bag maker creates circular economy with yangcheng recycling machine

The yangcheng is equipped with a stable working integrated shredding cartridge that eliminates the need for bag producers to waste time, labor and factory space to pre-cut and shred film/waste bags before feeding them into the recycling machine. The shredder can do the job! It cuts, pulverizes and preheats film and bag material to better prepare it for the extrusion step. In addition, the automatic and continuous feeding of the shredding canister to the extruder has a positive effect on the yield….


✔ The compact and easy-to-use recycling machine is appreciated by operators of bag manufacturers. Simple and stable in operation, only 1 or 2 operators are needed to handle the recycling process; thus, they can save more man-hours for film and bag production tasks.


✔ Automatic adjustment of pelletizing knife speed and pressure ensures that the bag maker maintains a high quality consistency of uniform oval-shaped pellets. This results in more recycled pellets being used in bag production, reducing costs and carbon footprint while maintaining the quality of the final product.


✔ Due to the high level of reusability, there is a high demand from other plastics manufacturers for excess recycled pellets in production, which allows plastic bag manufacturers to generate additional profits.

yangcheng has installed plastic recycling and PE film blowing machines in over 110 countries worldwide. Contact us to discuss a customized solution to create a circular economy for your business.

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